"I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday Temptations

Bet you thought I would forget about this post since it is so late in the afternoon.  Not a chance.  I have been doing a little purging the last couple of days.  No, not food related.  I have been getting rid of things from the past that I no longer need and it feels GREAT!

I did come across this picture of Sassy and I in the pool from  a few years back, July 16, 2006 to be exact.  I kept it simply because it shows how much Sassy loves the pool.  She and Eraser would take turns sitting in my lap.  When Eraser was in my lap, she would put her paws in the water when she got hot.  I am still looking for the picture of her and I in the pool.

The temptations for today are really quite simple.  Our neighbor is in the midst of purging his pantry and kitchen of foods that he should not be eating.  He is trying to get his blood sugar down so that he will not become a full blown diabetic.  So, he brought me a goodie basket, like I really need that.  Inside I found these and this.

The orange slices bring back so many memories.  They go all the way back to when I was in the eighth grade.  My dad had just been hospitalized with his second collapsed lung from smoking.  The doctor told him if he wanted to see me graduate from high school he had to quit smoking NOW.  He did, cold turkey.  He did it by keeping a baby aspirin bottle full of toothpicks in his pocket, some gum that wouldn't stick to his partial (I can't recall the brand any longer) and by having bags of orange slices all over the house.  We weren't supposed to eat them but how could we resist.  We probably should have owned stock in the companies that made them because for a year he went through a whole bunch of them.  To this day, I still recall how scared we all were and how this simple candy helped save his life.

That got me to thinking about the candy that I loved as a kid and I discovered that I can still get some of it on the interwebzs today.  I can get these at almost any store now.  It seems that they have become quite popular again.  I wish that we could get the Brach's version of this year round.  I can eat my body weight in these any time I buy them.  And I love these in every size.  I got hooked on this when I was pregnant with Megan.  It is the ONLY time that I will eat Brazil nuts - PERIOD!  You can call me baby anytime as long as you are supplying me with these. And even though I have never smoked, I loved these as a kid.  Made my mom furious with them. And I laugh every time I see these because my sister actually wore them as necklaces and ate off them all day....yuk. I made my self sick off these one day but I still eat them when I can find them.  And I wish I had some of these right now.  I am old enough to remember when this candy first came into being.  And I got the sensation from these alright.

What did you like as a kid?  Is it still available?  Funny what memories candy triggers.

Knitting has been a huge part of relaxation for me as of late.  I have been making quick projects again and dishcloths have taken over my WIP basket.  Tomorrow will be all about knitting and a special swap package I received.  Ready to bail and get ready to fix dinner and watch DWTS and the WNBA game.


Melanie said...

What a sweet story about your dad and the candy orange slices. Candy gets a bad rap sometimes. Good to see it get credit for saving a life. And I can always count on you to remind me of the simple pleasures in life and how important they are.

knittymuggins said...

I love the memories that you have of all the different candies you have loved (and still love). Reminds me of myself and all my candy loves :) It's funny you should mention the Circus Peanuts because I have a funny family memory related to those myself. My Dad's Mom used to pack a bunch of these into our Christmas package every year. I asked my Dad about it once and I figured he'd say something like oh, these were his favorites and so his Mom always included them or something. Nope. He had no idea why she sent them either! But up until my Dad passed away last year we always joked about those Circus Peanuts at Christmas. They'll always be Christmas candy to me :) Thanks for sharing!

Lisa said...

Melanie: I'm all about the simple pleasures in life these days! Glad to do my part!

Maryanne: Isn't it funny how something as simple as candy reminds us of such a wonderful memory! I can't wait to see what candy you choose for the wee little man to start your own traditions!