"I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday Temptations

Yes...it is Tuesday already!

I will start with this. SF has been a Parrot Head for many years and was so excited when she saw the date on his stop in Houston. I am well aware that the concert is on a Thursday. Guess what...she has the next day off. Next task is to get some appropriate Parrot Head attire. I may just get this one and be done with all the shopping. Although I would love to have this or this if there is time to get it ordered and delivered. The second one would be able to do double work, as we have a Pink Flamingo Party to attend again this year.

I have been designing a little seating plan for the area right outside the kitchen window. It is outside the fence but recessed so it is hard to see from the street. I found this collection at Pier 1 and I think that it will be perfect. I am considering the bench and one side table OR two chairs and one table. The square version of the table is more my style. I will be adding some planters with shade loving tropical plants. I am considering Bromeliads and a few other things, but that part is still in the research phase. I want a bird feeder and some wind chimes as well. I also plan on adding this as well with this to hold them.

We all know that I love my Keurig. And we also know that I have picked up a few extras along the way. Well, I get the Green Mountain catalogs delivered to the house and they are LOADED with temptations! I will order this, this, this, this, and this. Of course I can still buy coffee beans and grind them myself to use with the M K Cup that came with the brewer. That means I can enjoy any coffee I want, in addition to the huge selection of K Cups available. So, if you have a favorite coffee, please share!

I am on a mission this year to host at least two pool parties at Chez RubyRingz this year. SF hesitates, as she does not want to clean up. I have a plan hatching..... I will need this, this, this, this, this and this. The secret is to plan in advance. In the past, I have found that if I ask each guest to bring what he/she wants to grill plus an assigned item that everyone has been most cooperative. I plan on having fresh fruits, fresh veggies and a salad of some sort, like pasta. I will also have a shrimp tray out. This keeps the cost down for everyone and it becomes more fun. I also provide an adult punch and mixers and encourage everyone to bring their favorite adult beverage. Makes for a fun time and I use disposable plates and silverware when ever possible so clean up is minimal. Presto....party plans....

I think that several of these can be used for parties and for yarn. They come in a number of colors and three sizes. Speaking of yarn....I saw this mentioned in a forum on Ravelry and now I am dying to get some. I think that it would make a wonderful tank or perhaps a workable substitute for Tilli Thomas Pure and Simple. I want to make another Sahara this year and I want a yarn that has some sass.

Now you all know that I love a good glass of wine, so when I saw these I knew that they were on the temptation list. I also want to host a wine tasting party this fall, so I am putting the plans on paper so that I can create the theme, the guest list and the menu.

That's all for now....but just a gentle reminder that Mother's Day is coming up. I get to purchase Stephanie stuff now and I am looking forward to shopping over the next few weeks.

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