"I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A New Skill

Today's topic is a skill that you hope to learn one day.

I spent some time thinking about this one. There are probably at least a dozen things I would love to learn how to do. Some would make my knitting more productive and others would just be to try something new. But one skill still eludes me.

I want to learn how to steek. There are dozens of on-line tutorials available. The thought of making a garment in the round and then adding the sleeves and neck options via a series of cuts into the garment fascinates me. Initially, I was very intimidated by the thought of cutting into a knitted item deliberately; however, the more I read and researched, the more I was convinced that this should be the next skill I learn.

I don't have any particular pattern in mind; however, I am certain that I will most likely knit something for a baby to start with. Less intimidating overall and the finished product will look good regardless. Because everyone knows that babies make everything look cute! If you have a pattern in mind, please feel free to share.

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