"I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins 2011-009


And...here we go!

1. Bring your favorite yarn/project and we'll work on them together.

2. In my projects pet hairs are included.

3. My relationship with SF is exactly what I needed and deserved.

4. Well, you see, I was roaming through the yarn store and some how, this just ended up in my hands, honest.

5. Spring, motorcycle rallies and swimming will be here soon!

6. But what if I make it for you, it would be perfect.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching the SEC Tournament on TV, tomorrow my plans include getting the hair did and Sunday, I want to spend time on a walk-about with SF!

1 comment:

twistedtexan said...

#1 - Would love to, but I'd prefer to be plague-free before reintroducing myself to society. ;)