So, SF and I agree that you should show the person you love how you truly feel ever day of the year and not just on one scheduled day. Having said that, I should also add that we do exchange cards but we limit all other gifts. We haven't exchanged gifts since
this post and
this post.
So, imagine my surprise when last Friday while we were at the Fossil store in the Town Center she purchased
this watch. I had tried in on the week before and had mentioned that I wanted to get it for myself. When I laid it on the counter she gave the gal her card and told me it was for Valentine's Day. Sly one she is. So, turn about is fair play. She thought I was preoccupied with getting mine sized so she looked at a few as well. She selected
this one, and when the gal was ready for payment I slid my card in her hand and insisted that I would get hers. Gift one to each other. It felt good and it wasn't expected so it was even more special.
Saturday we had appointments in Clear Lake to get our "hair did". I needed an overhaul and it was so cold....after we were done I managed to convince her to stop at Barnes and Noble. While I was browsing for a knitting book (shocked right?) she disappeared. This is what she disappeared for:
When she handed me the bag from Starbucks she simply said I needed what was inside to remind myself every day how she feels. I almost cried, I was feeling really girlie that day and that kind of mushy stuff always gets the tear factory started.
So, imagine my total surprise when the neighbor called this morning to tell me that a package had been delivered to her door via FedEx EARLY this morning and it was for me....
Now, I admit that I think roses are the sexiest flower ever. Running a close second are Calla Lilies and Irises. I also know that when we were dating SF freely admitted that she thought sending flowers was a HUGE waste of money. I tried to explain the ROI but I never for once thought she bought it. I told her how receiving them made me feel and she should consider that reason enough. All I can say is that she must have seen the ROI from the deliver last year when she brought me these:
I must admit, nothing is more intoxicating to me than the smell of roses, so when I discovered that there are 36 of these beauties in the vase, I was even more impressed. That would be a dozen for each year we have celebrated.....I can only imagine what else she has planned since she took the day off. I know that I have a special dinner planned for Sunday and a treat for her lunch box on Monday.
Take a moment to let all those you love how you feel, even if they aren't your Valentine, they need to know how you care. So, to all my friends, I sincerely do love each of you and want the very best for you and your families.