"I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday Temptations

OK! I am ready to get some of these up for ya'll!

Today, I purchased this for our bedroom. We had discussed a storage bench before but the original one was discontinued, so I punted and found this one at Cost Plus World Market. It had the same dimensions but has shorter legs, which I believe is actually better than the original.

I ordered a things from JC Penney and when I can find the order info I'll update this with their pictures/links. I am slowly starting to think about Spring and dresses, so I wanted to get some affordable dresses for a Business Casual environment. That said, I want a few things from Coldwater Creek as well and will post about in next week's installment.

I bought this and this from Bed Bath a& Beyond yesterday and I can't wait to use them.

I bought this for the "retreat". My room had taken a back seat to the rest of the stuff that has been going on and I have begun to focus on getting it cleaned up, organized, and decorated. A future post will be devoted to the new elements that I will be introducing to the room. I have decided on a exotic floor lamp and I want to have some curtains made. I may get a twin size quilt and have the curtains made from it, as the window is short and small. Still pondering that one.

Knitting was prevalent this weekend, as I stayed close by since Eraser has not been well. I will post about that later this week. I have been trying to get a lot of WIPs done and converted to FOs, so hang tight.

That's all for now, as Windows wants to restart after uploading some updates....silly Microsoft....doesn't it know I'm busy?

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