"I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tuesday Temptations

Yes, I realize that today is actually Wednesday. It appears that I saved this as a draft instead of publishing it. I'm going to blame it on the heat. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

As I was trolling the Internet I stumbled across this article. I wonder why it doesn't have anything about pickup truck drivers or mini-van drivers? I also came across this article. I wonder what my hair says about me.....

This article really cracked me up too much. As if we could actually do such a thing....

And who knew fashion was headed here? And while I'm on fashion, I love the way that these all sound. And this one sounds like the first one I'll try.... Of course, I kept looking and found this site, which is cheaper. That allows me to get more stuff....I am hopelessly addicted to this stuff....and this is one of my favorite perfumes, but I will wear this too, or this.

I have been making a list and checking it twice in an effort to get our bar stocked for the holidays and such. We converted Trouble's room into a retro room. I still have to install the wood floor. It has original curtains from the kitchen of Wifey's parents (1950's), and original English bar, and numerous glasses and such from the period. I'll try to get some pictures of the room up later.

The list has stuff like this, this, this, and this, for basics.

That's about all for now...before it seems like I'm rambling....


Miss Me said...

when that cool $10M lands in by bank account - you're on! we'll add those fabulous jeans, a few hats, some handbags and whatever else strikes our fancy to the list! whoo-hoo!!!

Miss Me said...

oops - pardon the typo... that would be "my" bank account, not "by" bank account.
note to self: work on proofreading skills.

Lisa said...

I love "note to self". We use it all the time around here....Thank you Michael Keaton and "Night Shift".