"I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, January 17, 2011

What a Wonderful Way to Start This Week!

Last Friday was such a long and dreary day that I didn't even stop at the mail boxes to see if we had received anything.  It was also rainy and dreary on Saturday.  The only time I left the house was to take Sassy to get her annual check-up.  So, this morning after I was finished getting the oil changed and the fuel system cleaned, I stopped at the mail boxes.  I was thrilled to find a soft-sided envelope there addressed to me from Wendy.

LOOK at what was inside:

International Scarf Exchange 9 Swap

International Scarf Exchange 9 Swap

International Scarf Exchange 9 Swap

International Scarf Exchange 9 Swap

International Scarf Exchange 9 Swap

International Scarf Exchange 9 Swap

International Scarf Exchange 9 Swap

International Scarf Exchange 9 Swap

International Scarf Exchange 9 Swap

Wendy did a lovely job on the scarf and I love the color.  The bamboo yarn is soft and will be warm enough for the Houston Metro area climate.  The cards are a lovely touch and the project bag will be PERFECT for the 2011 Self-Imposed Sock Club from my stash.

Thank you again Wendy and it was well worth the wait!


Kristen said...

Woot! You're doing the self-imposed sock of the month club too?!? I just cast on my socks for January Saturday. :)

IamKnitGuy said...

Self-imposed sock club? What's that all about? Did I miss a post? Way too much pressure for lazy knitters like me. I'd be certain to fall behind and then hope against hope that nobody noticed. So, how are the January socks coming along? LMAO!!! I crack myself up, I tell ya!

Wendy's package was really sweet, enjoy it!