Ahhhh...so stuffed with turkey I almost forgot! Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate.
So...here we go!
1. Three things I must have on my Thanksgiving table: are ,ashed potatoes, cornbread dressing and green bean casserole (my deviled eggs for appetizers too).
2. The male relatives in my family tend to end up sacked out on the couch.
3. This is a year that I am thankful for more things than I can express, so thank you to all my friends, all my family and to my wonderful partner.
4. The day after Thanksgiving is the day we established to decorate the house for Christmas.
5. Oh, man, thankfully it's cold and rainy today, so we will stay home and enjoy each others company.
6. I want to perfect the art of showing how simple home-made things do mean more than expensive substitutes.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching some key NCAA Football games, tomorrow my plans include knitting with Upstairs Studio and going to the Sisters Morales show with SF, Chuck and Jana and Sunday, I want to go to a Rocket's game!