"I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sharing the Love

Okay, I have been ever so honored by Cynical Knitter with the Sisterhood Award. Awards from AHJ are ever so special and humbling as well.

Now, the rules of this award are:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post - done

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!

  1. Miss Ginger Grant...whose fashion sense is beyond reproach and whose blog is just fun!
  2. Leah...yes, two nominations and counting! Her writing is amazing and I must admit I have to read her posts several times to digest it all before I can comment.
  3. Joe ...my newest guy friend who lives in the Sunshine State. He and I are on a HAWT mission.
  4. Megan...my very first KAL partner and now one of my dearest friends.
  5. Katie ...who shares a birthday with me and keeps me adding things to my "To Do" list...
  6. Melanie...my bloggy girl friend and creator of AMAZING music mixes, not to mention a talented woman all the way around. Her crock pot skills are FAB!
  7. Wendy...whose journey is just as amazing as she is.
  8. Lorette...who has a wonderful husband and her blog is always full of beautiful pictures and knitting!
  9. Amy...who has a huge heart and has been a big supporter and bloggy friend. She is a newly wed and her hubby makes beer.....
  10. And finally, last but not least...Jessica, who has a blog but keeps it a secret.....she has become one of my closest friends, knitting buddy, and pizza/beer night buddies. Her knitting is amazing and when she moves to San Antonio I will be "forced", no compelled to go and visit often!
  11. and I must add my Big Sister as well....she has been my counselor, my sister, my best friend and the voice of reason since we met in 1976. Yes, I have known her a VERY long time and if ever two people were meant to be friends, surely it was us....Thank You for being you!

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post - done

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog - in progress and will be finished today

5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received your award - done


Melanie said...

Aw, thanks for the love.

Anonymous said...

I got a blog...but the old fashioned kind...hand written! ha It's becoming a book. Hopefully, I ll find an agent...who will find a publisher...or gee, maybe just self published and then we ll see!

Thanks for sharing the love! My gratitude to you, too, in all the ways it truly and profoundly means.

Think about running Athens Marathon in November in Greece. We could celebrate our long journey together since '76. And we ARE due a celebration!

Soar, Baby, Soar!

Big Sister

Leah said...

Thank you for such kind words my dear!

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

You are sweet.

IamKnitGuy said...

I'm late to the party but no less heartfelt. You're so sweet. We all need to catch up in "So....". Kiss the baby! J.

Miss Me said...

thank you!

Lorette said...

Thanks for the award! And yes, I DO have a fabulous guy.