"I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

First....I blame Chuck on this strange addiction to 80's music this morning.  I was checking my FaceBook account this morning and he had "like" for "YOU".  I clicked it and it was Rick Astley.....one of my all time favorites for dance music from the 80's.  Sad but true, I even have several of his albums in my collection.  So now I am sitting here with Rhapsody playing his Platinum and Gold collection while I compose this post....

I signed up for the Organic Cotton Swap over on Ravelry with the Lion Brand Swaps. The  swap mistress, Kelli, paired me up with Donna.  I received the most wonderful package from her Monday in the mail.

Whew....picture heavy I know.  I was amazed by all the goodies packed into the box.  They were all wrapped up by the yummiest scarf of Pistachio and Strawberry.  I can't wait to be able to wear it, even though summer is in full swing here.  She had no way of knowing that the Shasta Daisy is one of my all time favorites.  My mother had beds of them all over our back yard in Memphis and they remind me of those days.  I will find a special spot in the landscaping for these.  Her husband makes wonderful items from wood and she sent me a wonderful tic-tac-toe game that he made.  She also sent me some wonderful note cards from Lion Brand.  Each one has a pattern associated with the picture on it as well.  Bonus for anyone I send them to that knits!  She sent me a book to read with Zoe and I was touched by that.  I can hardly wait till Christmas to read it to her.  Maybe I'll be able to pass on this crazy love for knitting and crocheting on to her since my own daughters don't seem too keen on it yet.  Of course, no swap is complete without receiving yarn.  She sent me three skeins of the Organic Cotton.  I wish I didn't have five projects already in progress.  I need to get on the sticks (hehe) and get at least three of them finished so I can start one with this wonderful yarn.  The post card was a treat too.  It is Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer....gotta love Missouri (the Show-Me State)!

Now, conversely, I am her partner so I cannot share what I am sending out in the mail today.  I promise to post some pictures as soon as I am certain that she has it safely in her possession....I love swaps!  And to this, I also have knitting to share but some of it is in the swap package so I still cannot share the FO's, le sigh.

Okay, back to work....and then to the Post Office.....

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