"I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Bike Of My Dreams....

Okay gang...I am sitting here drinking coffee and I realized that in my stupor after talking with my mom that I completely forgot to post that I found the PERFECT bike for me. Yes, I am serious. I start back to college this spring to finish my degree. I learned from a very wise business owner, and personal friend, that you need to have your goals in a place you can see them daily to keep you focused and on track. I am still listing them out but a motorcycle has always been at the top of the list, and after the special friend took me to the rally I was even more motivated.

So, this is the one I will print and place on the goals board. I am not certain of which color speaks to me the loudest. I'm not an all black kind of gal, so I will not even entertain thoughts of that one. For some reason, I do like the Red Hot Sunglo and the Deep Turquoise with Antique White, along with the Flame Blue Pearl with Pewter Pearl.

My dad suggested that I keep my eyes open for dealer demo units. He is a wise man. That is how younger brother got his newest one. And my mother reminded me that I would be needing a haircut that is more conducive to helmets (helmet hair - UGH!). She also reminded me that my goal is not to look cute, but to look attractive while being safe.

Okay, back to coffee, pancakes, one skein knitting....and football.

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