"I have never felt that anything really mattered but the satisfaction of knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Someone Loves My Blog!

I am so far behind on reading my favorite blogs that I missed the award bestowed upon (not-so) Cynical Knitting Gal and then passed on to me....

Here are the rules:

1. Please put the award on your blog.

2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.

3. You must nominate at least 4 fellow bloggers for this award.

4. Add links to the recipients.

5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award.

I’ve read the rules, and I promise to comply, so here it is - my shiny new ribbon!

As for my nominees:

1. Tandledupinknots- Who I met through one of the first swaps I ever participated in. She made me the most wonderful pair of socks and I love following the trials and tribulations of she and her husband as they raise "Bear".

2. MissMe1964 - We share the same birthday, so what could be better? I enjoy her wit and humor. Her friendship has meant so much to me these last few months. And I can't wait until I am forced to go to Canada for business so I can meet her in "real life".

3. The Yarn Closet - Who recently got married. She has such a big heart and has the most interesting hobbies. She is now on a pursuit of Civil War re-enactment...costumes and all....

4. Knittymuggins - Simply, I just love her zest for life and love. She followd her husband around while he runs marathons....and she makes beautiful things too!

I want to nominate more than four, but I will behave! I would add knittingnest, knittingdoctor, knittingreader, and TwistedKnitter to name a few.

And since I cannot re-nominate (Not-so) Cynical Knitting Gal, I will say that she has been the best friend I could have had so far through the last five months, but she has been my friend for much longer than that. Thank you for all of your love and support!


Knittymuggins said...

Oh goodness! I'm *so* not worthy! But thank you so very much for the award and for making my day :) I'm so totally grateful!!

And congrats too on winning such a wonderful award yourself! You truly deserve it :)


Miss Me said...

thank you! i am so touched - and i completely understand how hard it is to keep up with blog reading sometimes... i really think that should be part of my job description.